Thursday, August 17, 2017

Where have you been?? seems like I have dropped off the universe. Yet I'm still here.  Or at least on Instagram! Need I explain the rush, the panic, the stress that maybe is normal for you, but hard on me.  I've been very uncertain of my future and it hard...seriously.  I've been open and honest with you for a while

Lets shake me off and worry again about you....that's why I'm trying to get back into posting.  Why?  For you.... I CARE, I think of you.  Actually, lets do something.  Why don't you blog lurkers ( not that I don't care, I just don't know what the proper name for you is) come forth and comment below 3 questions.

1. What's your name?
2. What State do you live?
3. What or Who sent you to my site?

Simple eh?  Everyone can answer those three questions.  If no one told you about me, then why were you drawn to this website?  Just be honest as I've been honest. 

Now, along the line of YOU....there is two more issues, then I must go do my chores again....yes, I live on a farm with my parents and two brothers.  Yet, they'll remain anonymous for you.   That's for privacy and security reasons.

I've detoured yet I was saying there's two more issues I want to address off hand....

1. I have been working (in my spare time, as I've been silent) to get a post up.  Its really from the depths of my heart.  (Actually if you would take a few moments and HEAR ME OUT AT LEAST   
....which is actually a title of another blog I posted....that will be a good kick start for understanding my next one to come).

2. I usually don't ask for money, and besides, its NOT for me.  I'm all about helping others out. And you know it right.  There is a wonderful organization run by Tim Tebow that gives special need kids a  Night To Shine !  Imagine if you were made fun of, bullied, ignored just cause you looked different, need a wheelchair, a cane, etc...all before you were 80...even before you were  50....try teens.  These kids need a special night where they feel loved and care for.   The link that I posted is to my part of the fundraiser.  I'd love to donate, but I don't have a credit card.  WHAT...a 21 with no card?!?!?!  But I'm doing the fundraising, and you can donate.  Skip celebrating that promotion trip and donate it to others who need it, don't go to the movies, send someone else to have a wonderful time, etc.  My end date is Christmas....maybe skip your Christmas celebration and give it towards other.  Its actually not till February sometime, but be willing to do a little bit of inconvenience just so others feel cared for.

Now I have to run, but you have A WONDERFUL DAY!!